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Rudolph and Celeste Burger

Rudolph and Celeste are from the Northern Cape countryside and live on an irrigation farm in Jan Kempdorp.

They are blessed with 3 beautiful boys.

Rudolph finished his Agricultural Science degree at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein. His passion for farming made him a successful farmer and businessman.

Celeste finished her BCom Honours degree in Statistics at the University of the Free State and are currently a crop and short-term insurance broker by profession. She started her Mannatech journey part time in 2017.

Their heart is to help as many people as possible to improve their health and achieve financial freedom to enjoy life to the fullest and live a life of abundance!!

They feel blessed to be part of this amazing company that taught them to dream big and that anything is possible for those who really believes it!!

“Helping enough people to realise their full potential is what helped us to get what we want and that is more rewarding than anything we could have imagined.”

They stand for family, hope and integrity and loves the freedom this business allows them.

Their biggest desire is to be an instrument in God’s hands to help people find their purpose in life through this life changing opportunity.