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Three Point Plan is a leadership system designed to empower individuals to achieve success. The website offers resources for new associates, including getting started guides, recommended reading materials, and access to webinars.


Ruben & Kristell Miller

Ruben is from an industrial automation background and Kristell is a registered nurse. They were introduced to Mannatech 3 years ago and started using the products for general health. After 4 months, they realized the value of Mannatech’s products and started to share this amazing technology with others. 

What attracted Kristell to Mannatech was the positive and uplifting environment and the real positive results people were getting. Ruben was attracted to the sustainable income and significance Mannatech has to offer. 

They are a great example of success due to following the 3 Point Plan system and thank Vintzent & Yolande van der Linde for their mentorship and upline support. 

They have an 8 month baby boy, Jessi, and are living a life of freedom and choice. 

Ruben & Kristell are passionate about developing the GREATNESS in people and they have established a strong FAMILY culture throughout their organisation.