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Three Point Plan is a leadership system designed to empower individuals to achieve success. The website offers resources for new associates, including getting started guides, recommended reading materials, and access to webinars.

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Master Mind (MM)

Shane Michaels

This is Principle #2 of 17 in Napoleon Hill’s book YOUR RIGHT TO BE RICH, which is highly recommended by our 2 Star Platinum Presidential Directors Louis and Leoné van der Linde.  Dr Hill’s book is a proven program for Prosperity and Happiness and this Principle follows #1, a Definiteness of Purpose.

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Budget Time & Money

Shane Michaels

This topic is the 16th Success Principle out of Napoleon Hill’s book, Your Right to be Rich. 

We often hear people say; “Where has the time gone?” or “I am so busy, there is not enough time in the day” or “Why is there never enough money to do what I would like to do” or “if only I had the money”.  

If we want financial security in this world we’ve got to budget our time & budget our money and put a few principles in place.  

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Imagination - One of the Success Principles of the Famous Napoleon Hill

Shane Michaels

We all know the word “imagination”, but do we really understand the principles of using our imagination?

I used to imagine lots of things when I was young. I used to make imaginary roads in the sand in the garden, and inside the bushes were imaginary petrol pumps. I had my own imaginary bank where I stored many coins. I even used my imagination to create a fleet of dinky cars.

Sadly, we somehow forget about this imaginary world when we discover life and bills to pay and grown up things to do.

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