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Colin & Juanita Rocher


University dropout/software engineer and Estate Agent

Colin & Juanita tried their hand at a few other businesses on their own and together before building their current network marketing business. Both having an entrepreneurial mind-set was determined to make it work in Namibia, then a brand new market. Currently they have a business with a large international team.

Colin was a software engineer for 28 years and Juanita an Estate Agent, office manager and reading therapist.

Says Colin:” I had a strong desire to be my own boss but was the last person to build this business as I seriously needed better people and social skills”

Juanita believes that women can leave their mark in this world, their families, their communities and their businesses. Her desire is to help women to do just that, especially those where life was not kind to them, woman that need someone that believes in them and help them to succeed.

After nearly 2 years in the business, they made a conscious decision to go Presidential when one of the “Kids on the Block” went Presidential. Someone they knew for a long time that according to them would never be able to do it. He was so committed to that decision that he told his boss at work that he will resign within 12 months. First Juanita could be a stay at home mom and networker, 6 months later they reached the level of presidential and he followed through on his commitment to resign before the 12 month period was over.

Namibia is a country with a low population density which means they had to travel sometimes up to 560km for a home meeting on a normal weekday. After arriving 2am the next morning at home they had to get up at 6:30am to be in time to drop the kids off at school and to be at their day jobs at 8 am. The weekends were easier, although some open meetings required them to travel nearly 800 km in one day, they could sleep a bit later on the Sunday morning.

Today they live in the coastal town of Swakopmund while still having their home in Windhoek, a dream come true. Juanita loves the sea and living in a double story house on the beach is their reward. They now travel a lot, visit their mentors in South Africa more frequently, have time to sleep over after home meetings and live where their business and Mannatech incentives takes them.